FICCI constituted a ‘Water Mission’ in 2011, to promote and provide thought leadership in the area of water efficiency. It aims to facilitate the sharing and dissemination of best practices across industry sectors in order to encourage corporate and industry players to imbibe a culture of water conservation within their organizations. The mission has also instituted the annual Water Awards since 2011 to recognize exemplary contribution to water use efficiency by various stakeholders and further extended it to a full-fledged Conference titled ‘India Industry Water Conclave and Awards’ since 2015. The Mission focuses on industrial water use efficiency, PPP in urban wastewater and corporate water stewardship.

The Mission is working to create awareness on the existing situation pertaining to water scarcity, quality and generate a discourse on sustainable use of water amongst various users. With growing and extensive depletion and pollution of our water resources, our current work is being restructured to bring this issue back in focus to provide a sense of urgency to the debate of water management.

The objectives of the Mission’s work are:

  • To advocate policy direction towards sustainable water management
  • To document and disseminate best practices on water conservation, management, reuse and recycling across various sectors and create a forum to facilitate exchange of information and experiences in the country

To promote through leadership and policy advocacy on sustainable water management including market for wastewater.